Client: Bravo
Year: 2017
CD: Dustin Drankoski
Head of Art: Alisa Stern
Illustration: Nick Sirotich

With Mashable's creative team, we created "First Fails" for Bravo, a web-based mini-series that interviews various celebrities talking about their biggest embarrassing moments and gaffes in animated format.
Using assets and character designs provided by the illustrator, I set up project files, rigged characters, and animated sequences with the animation lead that were shipped to be edited with the live-shot interviews.
Full episode of "Carrie Keagan's First Orgasm Didn't Go So Well" for First Fails
Full episode of "Drew Droege Gets Ridiculously Hammered" for First Fails
Full episode of "Gillian Jacobs's Terrible First Kiss" for First Fails
Full episode of "Kevin Allison Froze Up On Stage" for First Fails
Full episode of "Nore Davis for Arrested for Street Racing" for First Fails
Full episode of "Snooki and JWOWW's International Adventure" for First Fails